Documenting Evidence for Domestic Violence Cases

When you are suffering from domestic violence, it can be difficult to understand how anyone may not believe what is happening to you. Yet, when you are facing an abusive relationship, there are several things you can do yourself now to help document what is occurring to you so that, later, when you seek a divorce, you can use that information to support your case. Talk to a Los Angeles domestic violence & restraining order lawyer from Martin Family Law Group today.

Domestic Violence Statistics

If you are not safe, you should seek out police help immediately. Do not continue to put yourself at risk just to get evidence. Seek out help. With 1 in every 4 women and 1 in every 9 men experiencing domestic violence, it is a very real threat to your well-being.

How to Build Your Case

To build your case and document domestic violence, you will need to gather any evidence that could be used to prove what occurred to you. Here are some examples that may apply to your situation:

  • Medical reports from your injuries after you spoke to your doctor or went to the emergency room
  • Testimony from you and from witnesses who saw what occurred or saw the immediate aftermath of what occurred
  • Pictures of the injuries themselves, especially if you can show the date on them
  • Pictures of the house or the weapons used that indicate what occurred at that moment
  • The police report that documents what occurred
  • A dated calendar that you use to document when the abuse occurs
  • Keep broken items and property that belong to you, or take photos of them to show as proof of what occurred

If you have been physically abused in any way, seek out care from your doctor. Your doctor has a legal right to protect your privacy in this matter, but they can help you document what has occurred to ensure that you can maintain the evidence necessary.

In situations where the abuse is verbal, you may be able to maintain a voicemail or record what is being said to you only when it is safe to do so. Keep in mind that digital evidence like this can be very helpful, even if it is in the form of text messages. Make a screenshot of the abusive text messages that have been sent to you or save the threatening emails sent.

When You Need Help Request It

As you are facing a very real threat to your health and well-being, never put yourself at risk. You can reach out to the police to help you in violence-related incidents. Talk to friends about what may be happening to you and ask them to help if you feel you can do so in a safe manner.

Let Our Legal Team Work to Protect Your Rights

If you have been in a domestic violence situation, take every step possible to protect yourself. Contact Martin Family Law Group now to schedule a consultation to discuss your rights with a passionate (and compassionate) attorney who wants to help you. Our team offers free consultations to help you learn what your options are.