We fight tenaciously to protect your family and assets


Financial Mistakes to Avoid When It Comes to the Cost of Divorce

When couples decide to divorce, partners often just want the emotionally draining process to be over, never taking the time to step back and take an in-depth look at finances. Most often, couples tackle monthly bills together, but with this change comes a new financial process in life. Preparation is vital to a successful Los Angeles divorce. Not Preparing for the In-Between Time…

How California Determines Child Custody

When a divorce takes place, and there are children from the marriage, custodial agreements have to be determined. If the parents struggle to agree on how child custody should be managed, the court will make these choices for them. It is widely agreed upon that children benefit from having a relationship with both of their parents.  If you are sorting out custody…

The Consequences of Not Paying Child Support in California

Parents in Los Angeles are both expected to support their children. This goes for parents who are divorced, separated, or those who never married. There is typically a custodial parent and child support is paid by the non-custodial parent to the parent who holds primary custody.  If you have questions about how your child is supported, reach out today. A Los Angeles…

What Happens to a Mortgage After a Divorce?

You made the decision that it is time to move towards divorce. Now that you are working through the emotional upheaval of this, you have to also consider the financial implications and changes that will occur. Your mortgage is one of them. What happens to a mortgage after a divorce? What can you expect if you are moving in this direction? Factors That…

Reasons You Should Get A Prenup

Getting married? It is a time to focus on new beginnings and a future of possibilities. It seems like a prenup would somehow burst that bubble if you brought it up, but in today’s society, they are valuable. They are also growing in popularity. If you are looking for a few reasons you should get a prenuptial agreement, consider the following. The Benefits…

What Happens To Inheritance During A Divorce

The sobering statistics in the U.S. show that married couples have a 50% likelihood of getting divorced. With these odds, it is best to have a clear picture of how partners expect marriage to proceed and possibly end if circumstances lead to divorce. Preparing now can keep an emotionally charged situation more manageable and help preserve your property, particularly an inheritance. Working…

Trust Funds & Divorce: What You Need To Know

A trust fund is a legal arrangement allowing individuals to designate assets into special accounts for the benefit of another person. These funds are managed by a trustee, acting for the use of the beneficiary. When a divorce occurs, some trust funds provide financial protections, tax benefits, and support for the beneficiary, while others do not. Working with a family law attorney…

A Guide to High-Value Assets and Divorce in California

Sorting out the details of any divorce is challenging. One of the most difficult aspects is determining how the assets of marriage will be shared. The process may become more complex when high-value assets must be divided in divorce proceedings in California. The skill and knowledge of an attorney experienced in family law can help you make educated decisions while working within…

Why Does Standard of Living Matter?

Standard of living is a quantifiable measurement of the well-being of a group and refers to factors available to specific socioeconomic classes. In the United States, for example, some factors that determine the standard of living are physical health, life expectancy, availability of housing, educational opportunities, medical access, and other factors that measure how well a country is doing. Take this meaning…

5 Ways to Ready Your Finances for Divorce

One of the most stressful life events that a person can face is divorce. It can leave a person feeling unsure about many things, finances being one of them. Protecting your assets and understanding where you stand financially during a divorce takes some preparation. Each divorce is unique and comes with its own specific set of challenges. Your divorce may require different…