We fight tenaciously to protect your family and assets


First Offense Domestic Violence Charge 

Domestic violence charges should always be taken seriously. Many people suffer each day from aggressive treatment that puts them in harm’s way. Many others are accused of crimes they did not commit. As your attorney, we aim to provide you with the information you need to know what your next step is. As a domestic violence attorney, our team at Martin Family Law…

Requested Reduced Charges in Domestic Violence Cases

Allegations of domestic abuse are taken seriously by Los Angeles County prosecutors. They will generally aggressively pursue a conviction for many types of charges related to domestic violence, and this can result in severe penalties upon conviction. Domestic violence-related offenses in California include child endangerment, criminal threats, elder abuse, corporal injury to a spouse, and domestic battery. Several of these cases are…

How California Penal Code 273.5 PC Governs Domestic Violence

Sometimes, relationships take a turn for the worse, and a partner becomes violent. Corporal injury is the willful infliction of physical force that results in an injury to an intimate partner. If your partner has accused you of becoming violent, you may be facing serious criminal charges. If you are a victim of domestic violence, you may have the opportunity to take…

Different California Domestic Violence Charges Explained 

There are many situations where domestic violence charges can be filed against a person. The key is to understand what the various types of California domestic violence charges are and how they may apply to your situation. At Martin Family Law Group, our Los Angeles domestic violence & restraining order attorney works closely with our clients to ensure they have a full…

Documenting Evidence for Domestic Violence Cases

When you are suffering from domestic violence, it can be difficult to understand how anyone may not believe what is happening to you. Yet, when you are facing an abusive relationship, there are several things you can do yourself now to help document what is occurring to you so that, later, when you seek a divorce, you can use that information to…

Questions to Ask a Divorce Lawyer

Filing for divorce is one of the most important decisions of your lifetime. The person partnering with you to process the divorce needs to be one you trust and have complete confidence in from day one. Before you hire anyone to do this for you, there are some questions to ask a divorce lawyer to get an idea of what they can…

What’s the Difference Between an Annulment and a Divorce? 

You are considering ending your marriage, but you are unsure what method to use. Both annulment and divorce will accomplish this for you, ending your marriage legally. However, there is a significant amount of difference between an annulment and a divorce, including in the premise and the result. At Martin Family Law Group, our Los Angeles divorce lawyer can help you determine…

What to Do When the Other Parent Isn’t Complying With Court Orders

Every divorce is different, and failure to comply with court orders that apply to a child’s custody should be addressed specifically. The courts will establish the role each parent will play in a child’s life after a divorce has occurred and encourage parents to develop a parenting plan based on a child’s best interests. It can be challenging to know the appropriate…

Difference Between Joint Custody and Shared Custody in California

Understanding custody in California Child custody cases can be complex. It is common for parents to become confused or use the words joint custody and shared custody interchangeably. Always seek the legal advice of discerning Los Angeles child custody attorneys to understand and ensure your custody rights as a parent. Determining Custody in California California divides custody into two categories. These categories of custody…

What is Considered Income When Deciding Child Support?

California takes a staunch approach to child support and providing for a child’s needs, accounting for some significant factors that influence this amount. Determining child support is complex and requires supportive but relentless legal guidance from a Los Angeles child support attorney, particularly in parental relationships that involve disagreements or disputes. New challenges arise, mainly when one parent has served more of a…